Hello Readers, Let's learn to use LaTeX in OriginPro on Windows10.
Check the following steps:
Step-1: Install MikTeX Compiler (software) to use LaTeX.
Download MikTeX software from here: Miktex Website
Install this software, then run MikTeX console as administrator from Start Menu to check updates. Click on "Check for Updates"
Install all available updates from the console.
Step-2: Install OAutotrace software from here: https://www.originlab.com/index.aspx?go=PRODUCTS&PID=3166
It will work as a communicator between Origin and MikTeX (Pre-Installed LaTeX).
Install this software, now you are ready to add Apps in
Step-3: Run Origin Pro then click on "Add Apps" on the right panel.
Now this interface (App Center) will open:
Search LaTeX then install it.
Now LaTeX is ready to use in Origin.
Where can I use LaTeX in Origin:
You can write equations easily on Axis Title, Legend, Main Title, etc. with simple code in the dialog box like this:
Hope it will help !!